Captured Desire Page 4
Sterling took Amara into a room with nothing in it but a recliner and a sofa. No other devices to scare her in case she wasn’t used to things of that nature. He had learned this lesson with his wife. Never assume things because you will probably be surprised at the reality. He left the door partially open for her peace of mind.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Remington. What’s your name?”
“Amara, where are you from?”
“Cailis Island.”
“I don’t believe I know that island. What ocean is it in?”
“The Pacific Ocean, close to Tonga.”
“I’ve been near there before when I went to Australia. That accounts for the dark hair and lovely skin tone you have. How did you get here? That’s a long way from Texas.”
She hesitated before answering and he expected some outrageous story. It didn’t come. “It was difficult living on my island, so my cousins encouraged me to come here.”
“Are they here with you?”
“No. They needed to stay home, but they provided me with a way to get here.”
“Do you have papers?”
Sterling knew as did the other professionals working with this population, that transportation could mean anything but since the official rule now was: if an immigrant could be assimilated, they could stay, no one cared much how they arrived, just that they were here.
“I lost them as I traveled.” She thought of the environmental changes just prior to finding herself here. “The weather was difficult. I don’t know how they were lost, but I don’t have them now.”
He nodded. That was one lie. He could read a lie. Somehow, he knew she didn’t lose them, most likely didn’t have them in the first place. “Good enough. You seem to understand the language quite well.”
Amara nodded. “You speak clearly, and you aren’t angry with me. It makes it easier to relax and listen carefully. The words are still difficult due to the accent. But your kindness feels genuine.”
She said it as though she was positive. Yes, likely empathic. Definitely not something to announce in this environment or most others. “Okay, after I have a quick look at your injuries, I’ll have you transferred to a center with women. You won’t be harmed and you’ll encounter no more male guards. If things work out, I’ll take you to my home. You’ll spend time with my wife and our family while you settle in to living here. Now, lift your shirt for me but do not take it off.”
Amara seemed to sense he wasn’t going to harm her for she lifted her shirt. Sterling imagined her undergarments hurt her ribs, but her dignity was intact. After the quick exam was over, the men left to make the transfer arrangements.
“I think things will be all right now,” said a relieved Matt.
“We’ll see,” answered his colleague.
Chapter 4
Wilder Corsini, Finn Berg, Ethan Glasman
Restoration House – Year 2051
“I could use a woman who trusts my motives to help the women with these medical exams. You know, someone who can interpret the needs of my patients with empathy. It would be a bonus if the person intuitively understood the process and gave security to the residents. The new resident I did an intake on this afternoon was scared out of her wits and I didn’t help, being another man.” Dr. Wilder Corsini looked at his friends and business partners, Finn Berg, PhD and Dr. Ethan Glasman, across the dinner table in their kitchen. Wilder rubbed his neck in frustration.
“I understand what you’re saying, but we’ve tried that before,” said Ethan.
Finn added. “With disastrous results. Remember Marlena?”
Wilder groaned. “She was a nurse, for God’s sake, and she still had no compassion.”
Ethan blew out an irritated breath. “Yes, and the passion she had in the bedroom lasted only as long as her first experience with all of us giving her pleasure. We wouldn’t have had sex. Rather than ask questions and finding that fact out, maybe even voicing her opinion that she was not even into play with more than one, she nearly destroyed our partnership with her backbiting and lies.”
After a few moments of reflection on the memory that nearly destroyed them in so many ways, Ethan continued. “We need a woman who is intuitive enough and flexible enough to go from comforting in the initial exam with Wilder, to the ongoing therapy with me, if needed. We haven’t been able to find that person yet. I’m beginning to believe she doesn’t exist.”
Wilder added. “She also needs to trust our Viking—Finn—to do what is best for her and her safety.”
“She needs to know that even though I’m the easy target of our trio,” Finn snorted, “I’m serious about the important things. I don’t like to be disregarded. And she will have to understand that our Ethan here is like the candy that’s hard on the outside, yummy chocolaty goodness on the inside.”
“I don’t think you’re easy going at all, just paternal. I think I’m the easiest going, not so serious all the time. Easier to take, you know?”
“Yes, and I know my tastes can run to the dark side. Not much, just enough, in my opinion.” Ethan never apologized for his personal desires with women.
If most women were honest, they liked all three of the men, just not as a steady sexual diet. The rotation when desired was the balance. The men, if they were honest, liked to pleasure their woman together, but also enjoyed a one-on-one sexual experience. They were big men. Finn was huge, and the acrobatics were difficult when engaging in more adventure than satisfying their woman. Physical sex, in their home, was not a public sport.
Finn shook his head as he swallowed his bite of food and agreed. “I’m positive she’s somewhere. However, it is possible she doesn’t exist here and unfortunately, here is where we need her. Have you guys tried looking into the graduate schools to see if they might have any likely candidates? Or Ambrose, they must have insight as to who might be able to help us.”
Ethan shook his head. “I thought about that, but I don’t want just a robot. I know that before, when we discussed this, we thought anybody that could meet the other criteria would be enough. But I’m looking for more than that. I’m looking for…”
“Our woman,” supplied Wilder.
“Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a good fuck? I mean one I would repeat? Or made love?” Finn shook his head with obvious dissatisfaction. “Not sure I ever really have made love.”
Ethan laughed humorlessly. “It’s been as long as us, mate, and if my memory serves, too bloody long.” Ethan had spent part of his youth in London and at times, his choice of words declared it.
Wilder continued. “You know for a while that was okay, not great, but acceptable because we were working hard to establish ourselves in our respective communities. And working with the Ambrose society has not only boosted our reputation but given us some good contacts and priceless experience. But that’s not enough anymore.”
Ethan nodded. “The other issue is, even if we find a woman that works well on one half of the equation, say with the women, she might not at all be open to belonging to us. Even though multiple partners are endorsed, things are different with us. We aren’t an easy group to satisfy or get along with, just because of our plurality. Not to mention our personalities, our different needs, everything. We are rather set in our intense ways.”
“Sometimes when I’m trying to keep the women and other clients secure, I can get a little out of control.” Finn shrugged. “Unfortunately, that transfers to the woman I’m involved with. Her safety becomes of the utmost importance to me and when she does something that puts that security at risk, I have to say it damn near unravels me. I can react a little strongly.” Finn grinned unapologetically.
“We’ll just keep looking. Some Ambrose members have found their forever mate, so I still hold out we will find ours. I hope it doesn’t come too late to enjoy the experience.” Ethan took another bite.
They continued to eat silently, each deep in their own thoughts, when the video com rang through. F
inn called out to their automated AI security system, which they had named Charlotte. Finn kept them updated on all the newest technology as it pertained to security in their electronic systems and maintaining their personal safety. They each had a part of the executive team at the International Center for Exploited and Abused Persons, American Division. That made them targets for all those who made great profits on exploiting women and young girls.
Because they were men only, they tried to keep their assistance or their hands-on workers female, however it was becoming more and more difficult to find a woman willing to work with other women so needy. Ethan had commented on the phenomenon of women being more judgmental of the victims than men in these cases. He’d rather have a male judge than a female judge, for instance. It made finding compassionate help that a woman would trust more difficult, making their overall job close to impossible at times.
“Charlotte,” spoke Finn out loud, “answer the incoming call please.”
“Of course, Finn,” answered Charlotte who spoke the words as though she had a personality, but her monotone voice, declared her artificial intelligence.
It was a few seconds later when Charlotte announced, “It’s the center, and they have just received five women in various levels of need. They are requesting Wilder for medical needs, Ethan for the psychological trauma, and Finn.”
“Why do they need me?” asked Finn.
“Evidently, there is one victim who denies all other needs but safety. The hope is that you can alleviate her desperate need to feel safe by educating her on all the areas in which the Center can keep her protected. So far, she is disbelieving of anyone. She says no one has the capability of keeping her safe and she is demanding we release her.”
“Protocol says we release her. Why has that not happened?” Wilder asked their automated assistant.
“Unknown. However, she hasn’t been given the option of leaving. She has evidently demonstrated her disagreement with officials often.”
Ethan thanked Charlotte and shoved the last few bites of his dinner into his mouth as he stood to walk his plate to the sink. “I guess we need to go. All of us.”
Ethan laughed at Finn’s face. The rare occasions that Finn received emergency call outs made him less smooth in his response, unlike his colleagues. His virtual systems rivaled the best, and he typically made the fixes virtual as well. Usually. The number of times Finn was called out could be counted on one hand. With the addition of the Compound to his security realm, that might change. It was a large business held by three other Ambrose members. They had become friends over the last few years.
Wilder laughed and slapped Finn on the back as he passed him. “It’s good for you, man. Helps you feel needed.”
Finn grumbled as he rose from the dinner table. “I’m not sure what they think I can do. I’m not even people friendly all the time.”
Wilder clarified. “But you will go, right? I mean, it might be just a matter of you proving we can keep her safe.”
“What else do I have to do tonight but self-entertain?”
The men gathered their gear to head out with Finn alongside. It would be well over an hour before they arrived at the Women’s Center. Finn thought about the situation in their personal lives. His bronzed skin stood stark against his Scandinavian dark blonde hair and blue eyes. His well-toned, muscular body was something he worked on daily to maintain and he had unabashedly used his attributes to attract women. He hoped he could flaunt those qualities soon, or he’d go on the prowl to meet his needs.
He hadn’t been kidding when he said they needed a woman and sooner rather than later. His balls were retracted so far from disuse, Wilder would have to go in surgically soon to retrieve them if called into action. Maybe he should find a woman willing to perform one on one even if he didn’t find as much satisfaction as double or triple teaming a woman. With the right one, he could be happy with ménage as a play diversion. He liked being with a woman alone, but long term, he knew he would never agree to the responsibility that a woman’s well being would demand if not for two other men. His computer systems and his life were too risky without backup.
Finn thought about the suggestion they look at Ambrose for assistance in gaining a female partner. All three men belonged to the ancient veiled group called The Ambrose Society, whose centuries old goal was to preserve mankind in peace and harmony. The Masons had allowed their existence to be known; Ambrose had not. Mensa had never been secret, but Ambrose was focused like the Masons, with the brains of Mensa—on steroids. Not only were its members the cream of the crop on the intellect scale, they were world changing geniuses, the catalysts for most of the profitable changes in the world throughout history.
“Hey,” Wilder called to the back of the SUV, “do you think you’ll be able to bring up the security system at the Compound?”
“Already have, for the most part,” answered Finn. “Still have things I’m waiting on, but I’ll get to it next week. Why?”
“Ran into Sterling Remington this week and he asked about it.”
“Refer him to me next time.” Finn mumbled, “Impatient scientists.”
“They are the good guys, remember. And you are a scientist.”
“Security Technology Engineer and Analyst, thank you very much. Not that type of scientist.”
Wilder shook his head good-naturedly. “We need to keep them in our close circle of friends. I like them. Besides, I hear their wife can read minds. Well, in a way. You don’t want your brain to blab your unsociable meanderings. We might need them sometime. I love their barbeques.”
“So, the way to your heart is through your stomach. Let’s put that on the list for our woman: must cook with me,” Finn laughed.
Wilder grinned and shrugged. “Truth. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if she cooked. I hate it. All I can cook are salads. The green kind.”
The technology Ambrose had invented and prevented in recent decades, with the help of people like himself, to the outsider, would have seemed impossible. Finn was proud to have contributed to some incredible advancements. Ambrose had saved many lives, and took part in remarkable humanitarian efforts, all through its members in the society. The organization was always working on the next solution.
The International Women’s Center, where Wilder and Ethan practiced, was one of Ambrose’s works. Mankind was hard to train. Ambrose was ultra-choosey. After you had done some good in the world, you might receive an invitation to talk. Later, another one to join. Once you were in, you were never out of the Society. Your successful career was ensured. Finn wondered if he wanted to ask Ambrose or keep trying themselves.
As the world became more dangerous, women’s safety was at a higher risk every year. The male population had taken a huge hit after the war. Women were becoming a commodity. When one group of humans believes themselves superior to another, well, history had repeatedly told of that disastrous thinking. Finn wasn’t willing to be the only layer of protection between his family and the lunatics running free.
The trio had decided they would create their own family unit. For the right woman, they would love, nurture, protect, encourage, dominate and if it was the best of all worlds, work alongside her. The woman that would be their perfect mate would allow their domination, return their love, be good with their clients or at least not jealous of the time they spent with them, and be content to stay within the confines of their home when not needed outside. Maybe it was too much to ask.
Ethan spoke. “Finn, I heard there are several governmental groups in the business of acquiring women. Have you heard anything on your security sites?”
“Yes,” he answered grimly. “I had hoped the rumor was false. I’ve also overheard part of a conversation about breeding for men, eliminating women from the natural selection and orchestrating birth outcomes.”
“You mean more than the rich have been doing for almost a generation?” asked Finn.
Wilder nodded while he drove. “I hear it is just a
bout leveling out the population again. Some who are already into gender selection are all for it.”
Finn added. “Something I won’t accept.”
“Agreed. I don’t think it will do what proponents believe it will. Unfortunately, there are notably powerful people encouraging others to engage in that practice now.”
The vehicle was quiet for a time before Finn asked, “Do we know how many of these women were found this last time?”
Ethan replied. “Five, I believe.”
“Damn. How harmed?” Finn asked.
“Not sure. That’s Wilder’s department, physically. I’ll probably never know the full extent of the psychological damage. They’ll be sent to other places or return home before then.”
“Yes,” agreed Wilder. “They return to their homes or families if they can, but I hate that some go back to their abusers because they don’t think they have a choice.”
Ethan sighed. “Nothing has changed in that respect but hopefully, some start new lives with a deeper understanding of how to keep themselves safe. Even though they can remain at The Center or The House for as long as they need, they rarely stay.”
“Yes, but there are a few great stories of our women getting jobs and returning to their professions to go on to even greater achievements. Don’t be discouraged. You do reach them even if it isn’t as many as you want.”
Finn thought back on finding a woman to meet their high needs. All roads seemed to lead there. They’d been able to keep one woman, Karen, safe and happy until she decided she was missing too much of the world outside their domed home. It was the first year they had lived, as Karen soon called it, ‘under glass’. Restoration House was one of two inhabited enclosures in their area of the country. The other, The Compound was run by three other Ambrose members, one of which was Sterling Remington.
Finn kept Ambrose’s and a couple of other high-level systems up to date. His main focus was keeping the Women’s Center, as well as their own home, safe, which at times was a full-time job. Now, he had taken on the Compound’s security systems because the scientists, while orienting Maya to a new way of life, had discovered the hard way, there were some surprising chinks in their security armor. Finn was helping them put those upgrades in place and had agreed to monitor their system off site for major fails their internal system missed.