Captured Desire Page 5
He was considering training another to help him. Maybe the woman they found to love would be not only compassionate with their residents at the Center and Restoration House but also technologically savvy. Pipe dreams were something that just hadn’t happened yet. He knew there was research being done to create the perfect mate, and he had even contemplated exploring that on a particularly bleak day, but it went against his basic makeup.
He was a hardware and systems guy who was rough around the edges. Going to the Women’s Center to help calm a woman was almost laughable. His gruffness and ancient Viking-like appearance made him think his presence would do nothing to alleviate a woman’s fear. He’d made even non-traumatized women look at him askance.
Those same women who wanted a guy who took charge with his presence and his manner seemed to be attracted to him like a magnet because he was the most nurturing of the three. He comforted easily, cuddled automatically and spanked immediately when there was disobedience. He wanted their trust and then submission. Evidently, it was what many women wanted because once they got past his physical presence, he couldn’t shake them. They were hard to beat off with the proverbial stick as much as he had tried to do just that by ignoring them.
Still, he wanted more than blind obedience. A carpet to wipe one’s feet on was distasteful. He wondered if that was what Karen had done, given in to them too often. She had lost herself in their personalities because carrying a commanding presence was not the only dominant characteristic they possessed. Three single men each in their own way dominant, under the same roof, was getting old fast. Frustratingly old.
They pulled into the underground parking area complete with electronic eyes and recognition program. The technology was so routine for the men, no one noticed the red flashes that indicated monitoring as they left the vehicle and headed for the elevator.
He would do what he could for the frightened woman because he hated any woman to be scared. Unless it was when he had her tied to his bed or draped over his lap with his hand held high over her bared bottom—then he wanted her to be apprehensive and aroused. He loved a woman’s ass. It would be wrong on innumerable levels to walk into the Center with a hard on. He surreptitiously rearranged his package and thought of swimming in the North Sea surrounded by icebergs.
Chapter 5
International Center for Exploited and Abused Persons, American Division
Wilder immediately dropped all teasing once he walked in the front entrance to the Women’s Center. His full focus was on the five women who had been found in a devastating situation. Their discussion in the car was not far from his mind as he looked around the secure facility.
Since the war, Ambrose suspected that isolated, unethical groups around the world were targeting unsophisticated, innocent women to be used as baby factories. Not just gender engineering, which would be bad enough, but capturing women and forcing them. Violence against women, harming anyone maliciously, was criminal and they as a people, knew better. This was a practice the society had stopped twice before.
Ambrose had a meeting on that tomorrow. They had a few directions to discuss. Putting order to the rising chaos was what the message said. He’d decide if it was better or worse when he heard the presentation. He didn’t know enough about the situation, but he would tomorrow. Now, however, he had things to do to address the aftermath of an example of that chaos.
The early evening hour was usually quiet in the center. A few women had their children with them. In some cases, the children were brought to their mothers. In other instances, women with no family, or family that would no longer accept them, were admitted. All had been abused in some way.
Regardless, it was a difficult time from which many women never healed. That was Ethan’s area of expertise, the mind. Wilder was happy to leave the deep psychological areas to his colleague, who had an uncanny sense of what was going on in the minds of these abused and terrified women. Their program at Restoration House was geared to help but only if the women agreed.
He walked past the front desk and headed for his small clinic area. The receptionist stopped him. “Did Mr. Berg and Dr. Glasman come with you?”
“Yes, they’re right behind me.”
The receptionist visibly relaxed. “Good. There’s one of our newest residents that is frantic with worry that we will harm her or return her to her abusers, even though she can’t tell us where they are so we can have them detained.”
Wilder hesitated. “Then maybe it should be Dr. Glasman that sees her.”
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll need all of you, eventually. You know, she has been hurt in many ways, but she specifically asked for proof of her safety. I figure that would be for Finn. But more than that, she has been very watchful over the other women. Almost tiger-like in her protection even though she is probably the more apprehensive and definitely appears to be the more abused physically. There is something I can’t put my finger on but it’s there. A special quality.” The receptionist waved Wilder through. “You’ll see.”
Wilder had thought that he wouldn’t be able to love a woman deeply because of the horrors he saw so often with the women and teens he treated. Sometimes children were also abused, but it seemed that they were more psychologically affected than physically although that was not always the case. Regardless, the utter disrespect of women these days angered and sickened him. He wasn’t a violent man, but he could see himself losing his control if his woman was in danger.
It wasn’t as hard a choice as he had thought to share their woman. Keeping a woman protected during these times of stealing and forcing a woman to mate or sell herself was difficult. In their experience, sharing a woman was incredible for them. They were hard working men and the comfort of someone who belonged to them would ease the pain of seeing other women suffer. A woman they claimed might even be more successful in bringing women into their sanctuary. Finally, since it had become legal to marry multiple spouses on internet court, they could make sure she and any children they had were cared for financially without concern. And because they were lonely.
Wilder grabbed a white coat, the expected garb to declare his purpose there, and walked into the clinic to meet the medic. “Tell me what you know, Dave.”
“I guess Dr. Remington has already seen her briefly and left a few orders for the women, but he has decided that he will take the scared one home with him in the morning.”
“Well, let me have a look at her since I’m here. I brought Finn with me and Ethan wanted to get a preliminary look as well to orient to the new residents. Why does Sterling think that she is better off at his home? Is she in that great a need to be assimilated? Is she violent?”
“Well, no, but she is distrustful. She told a nurse when she arrived here that many men weren’t to be trusted.”
“Sounds like something you would expect given the circumstances.”
“I suppose, but we don’t have her story yet. She was beaten very badly. It appears she isn’t malnourished, but she shows signs of dehydration and lack of consistent food. She said evil men did it but doesn’t say more.”
“Okay, so why was it urgent we get here tonight and why Finn?”
“Well, she was transferred here from the Immigrant Intake Center because she had been beaten badly prior to arriving. To add to the misery, she was knocked about and manhandled and on the verge of being sexually assaulted while she was at the Intake Center.”
“How long had she been there?”
“A couple of hours when it happened. After that, whenever a man came near her, she would go a bit wild. They called Remington in after about twenty-four hours but neglected to say it was rather urgent. By the second night they wanted her processed quickly and transferred so they upped her level of need. She allowed Remington’s exam. He created a bit of a rapport with her.”
“Damn. Poor woman.”
“Yes, well she says she isn’t hurt, but then asks for assistance for the other women. She also demands proof tha
t someone cannot come in and grab her. She is demanding assurances that she won’t be harmed or altered by surgical means.”
“What? I’ll see what I can do and then we’ll take it from there. What’s her name?” said Wilder.
“Whatever you say. Her name is Amara Finau.”
As he walked into the dormitory, Wilder looked around the familiar surroundings in search of a woman that stood out as the person described to him would. He wasn’t disappointed. A woman around mid-twenties limped to another bed, bent with effort, most likely due to pain, and whispered to another woman. Her words had an obvious calming effect and her presence drew him to her.
His colleagues walked in behind him and Finn swore in a hushed tone. “Fuck, she’s beautiful.”
“Yes, she most certainly is a handsome woman. She has a presence, doesn’t she?” added Ethan, equally quiet. Ethan, who typically measured every word he spoke, dropped his filters. “She just might be the one we’ve been looking for. Ours.”
“That’s a fast assessment,” said Finn.
“Look at how gentle she is with the women. She doesn’t know them, does she?” Ethan asked Wilder.
“Maybe they were kept in the same place?” offered Finn.
Wilder shook his head. “No idea. Let’s go meet her.”
Ethan put his arm out to forestall Finn. “I think three substantial men approaching any woman would put her on guard.” He nodded in Amara’s direction. “She might react badly. Let’s give Wilder a moment before we walk over.”
“Agreed,” said Finn.
Wilder approached Amara slowly, calling her name gently so as not to frighten her. She jumped anyway and backed up to the wall. He put his hands up in a sign of no harm.
“I don’t mean to scare you, Amara, and I promise you will not be harmed in this woman’s refuge. I’m Dr. Wilder Corsini.” After seeing she had processed his words, he added, “And these two overgrown gentlemen are Finn Berg, our security genius, and Ethan Glasman, our psychiatrist. They are also my partners in protecting women. We help here in medical, security and mental health areas to make sure our residents are safe, and we have an even more secure place, our home, if there are additional concerns.”
Amara studied the men behind Wilder and refocused on him. She had an odd look on her face but seemed to put the thoughts behind her. She appeared to consider her words carefully. “What additional concerns do I present?”
Wilder was immediately impressed by the well-modulated delivery of Amara’s question. She had pride in herself but there was also an undeniable hesitation. As though she couldn’t quite believe he or his friends wouldn’t hurt her. Who could blame her for those fears?
“Amara, I couldn’t help but be impressed at the way you seemed to understand your co-residents’ needs. The staff is impressed as well. How is it that you are so good at comfort when you have obviously been abused yourself?”
“Suffering injustices and injuries does not negate a person’s ability and obligation to assist others, Dr. Corsini.”
A smile slowly spread across his face. He could feel the tightening of his cheeks as it broadened. “You’re right, of course. It was presumptuous of me to think that you would only think of your own physical pain.”
“I’m not in pain.”
“You are, and to deny it would be frowned upon. Truthfulness is something we can all afford to offer here. It is one of the few requirements. Some truth is painful and can take time to unveil, but all that can be uncovered, should be.”
Amara nodded. “Yes, you’re correct. I’m jaded with men, unfortunately. There was a time not too long ago that I wasn’t but now there is so much I don’t understand. There is also much you, here, don’t have any concept of. I’m not sure we will ever be able to speak our full truth.”
“I hope that isn’t the case, Amara. Getting back to the women, are you a nurse or other healing professional?”
She smiled sadly. “No, but I do understand what they deal with after abuse, and it helps that I’m an empath.”
“Excuse me? An empath as in reads emotions? Thoughts? Feels the pain of others?”
“Not thoughts, per se. I understand what they must be thinking as I process their emotions and understand from where those feelings have grown.” Her smile left. “Like me, these women have been abused, exploited, neglected, violated. I, thankfully, have not been violated sexually, but the rest, I fully understand.”
“I’m sorry. Maybe you can help us understand what you and the others need. We’ve been talking about how we desperately need a woman to help us understand the needs here. Maybe, after you are better and stable, you might be able to work with us to do that.”
Amara was silent.
“Not now. You’re not well yourself. In fact, I came to give you, and the other women who came with you, quick physicals so I can prescribe pain medications, give them whatever they need to begin the healing process on a physical level.”
She shook her head in denial. “I didn’t come with anyone. There is something that I must do once I’ve healed some. I’m not sure I can stay to be of much assistance, but for as long as I’m able, I will help you. If I can remain safe.” The haunted look that Wilder was beginning to think he’d imagined, reappeared.
“That is why Finn is here. He can help you be more confident in your security here. That man can protect anyone. While I get ready for the exams, can you speak with Finn and Ethan?”
She glanced back over her shoulder. “I don’t feel any duplicitous thoughts in you like some people in this place and almost everyone from the last center. It was overwhelming to feel all the evil.” She nodded in the direction of Finn and Ethan. “I will speak with the others.” Wilder turned but felt a slender, stalling hand on his, causing him to turn back to Amara. “But I reserve judgement on those two.”
“Got it.” Wilder arrived back where his companions leaned against the wall watching and quietly conferring.
“She will chat with you, but I’ll tell you now, she’s incredible. She’s an empath, her own words, and she’s intelligent. I’m going to set up the exam room for her and the four others. Evidently, she isn’t with them. She says she came alone. I believe everything she says. She’s refreshingly sincere but concerned for her safety. It’s obvious she’s been hurt everyway she could be, except sexually. She was kept intact for some reason. That’s what she implied, anyway. I’ll know soon enough. She, like the others, is very distrustful. I think when I bring the other women in one at a time, I’ll also see if she will come with them to help ease their anxiety and ultimately ease hers when it is her turn.”
“Do you think we could entice her to come to Restoration House? She would be a great asset and we could see if she was someone who might be willing to stay if we all agree.”
Ethan was paving a road Wilder wasn’t sure she would walk down, but he was right, they needed to explore the possibility. There was something incredibly different about her that drew Wilder. This woman was already enticing, and he knew next to nothing about her.
“What is her name?” asked Ethan.
“Amara Finau,” answered Wilder.
“Damn, even her name is beautiful,” said Finn.
Wilder walked off in the direction of his office, leaving his colleagues to make their own way with Amara.
He ran his hand over his close-cropped black hair as he watched her carefully—interpreting her reactions, her moments of near panic that she wrestled behind her hard-won shield, devoid of expression. Almost. Her body language was loud from the constantly tensing and relaxing of the muscles in her slender neck, to the palms she unconsciously wiped often on her track pants. He had to forcibly restrain his groan of arousal as he surveyed those tight pants stretching over lightly muscular thighs and molding a kissable, spankable ass.
Be professional, he chastised himself and still the ache that her presence engendered was nearly overpowering. He prided himself in control, interpreting others so well it a
ppeared that he had mindreading abilities. He didn’t, but he was well known for helping women and children survive traumas. When he had met Wilder at a conference for human trafficking, sponsored anonymously by The Ambrose Society, he knew he had hit on a like-minded soul.
Ambrose had always worked behind the frontlines to help others achieve greatness while fulfilling their own objective. That objective was to make a better world. Of course, that in and of itself was extremely subjective but their motto, Equality when acceptable, dominance when necessary, had hit a chord in him when he first heard it.
On first blush the motto seemed dictatorial and harsh, but as he explored Ambrose deeper, ultimately accepting the invitation for membership, he found that it was much as he had tried to live his life. That the simple act of being was enough. Trying to live and let live unless it violates the rights of others and then do what is necessary to achieve harmony.
Ethan had been told he was seen as a man driven to meet his own agenda. That was true and erroneous at the same time. Ethan’s personality was in defined layers. He hid a deeply passionate center covered by layers of pliable tolerance encased in the steel of stern expectations, which he might see as an agenda if it weren’t who he was. Ethical and unyielding in his convictions and expectations that came across as demanding. His friends had the same confidence of their convictions or he didn’t grow the relationship.
He was good at his job because he was able to listen with compassion but advise with the confidence of his own strength of character. It was this assurance of right and wrong, the ease with which he found the separating line between good and evil, that made him so effective at what he did. He sensed this same ability in Amara to some extent. He recognized her natural instinct to comfort and nurture others, but he also knew the toll it took on oneself if not able to regulate your tendencies to keep them within a healthy range.